Well. The title of the page says it all. This is where pix of the operators and little tidbits of info are going to be held. If any of the info that you see stated here on this page is false....tell me...and Ill tell you otherwise. I know more about these fools the I let on. J/K guys. :) But other then that.there really isnt anything that I dont know, or wont end up piecing together as I see it fall into place.


Starting off were going to introduce everybody to the Hub owner

Blue Hawaii:and her pet...Da Crab:

As you can plainly see. Blue Hawaii is a party animal of some serious worth. This pic was taken as of X-mas 2K. Da Crab enjoys a good alcoholic beverage to as you can tell.


Next we have the Co-Owner


*pic not shown with out permission*

Hmm..What CANT I say about this little aussie? She's a very good friend, and someone that I can truly count on and talk to.


Next we got...well...might as well get myself outta the way now


HEY..no comments about the quality of the picture...it was taken on a 10 dollar piece of crap camera that my friend got for free because of a 10 dollar rebate.

Besides...from what all the girls tell me, they think im sexy...which I find absolutly hard to believe, but..whatevers.


Hmm..Next theres Pyr0.


*pic not shown with out permission*


I don't really know much about Pyr0 to say anything here. But hopefully someone will eventually. *grins evilly*


Then theres the friendly old Grizly_Bear


*pic not shown with out permission*


Hmm....He seems to have popped up outta nowhere really. I mean..one minute hes nowhere, next thing you know theres a big ol bear loomin behind you ready to strike. He kinda keeps to himself, unless someone disturbs his den....then he gets might agitated.


Then theres everybodies neighborhood wench...Nix


*pic not shown with out permission*


Heh...shes not really a wench, I just call her that to annoy her. Got the entire hub doing it one day....needless to say, she was might pissed at me by the end of the day. ROFLMAO All in all, nix is a very sweet girl, and I wish nothing but the best for her.


hmm....leaves us with one last person that I know about...Joytra


*pic not shown with out permission*


Joytra is the newest member of the op crew. And I for one am glad to have her aboard the team. Shes fun to be around, sweet, and flirtatious....all things I like in a girl *grins mischeviously*